OK I know not a face to crotch picture, but hey there are only so many good ones out there. This is still a great picture of how my dude in the Adidas Ninja suit ended up at the dentist's office. Welp if you don't know by now we have some great news on the condo front, if everything goes as planned we will soon be Former condo owners!!! I guess the old saying "If you own a boat your 2 best days are the day you buy it and the day you sell it," definitely applies to owning a condo. I need to raise up out of this madness of old people constantly bitching at eachother. For real there is a flyer on my door every day about why I should contact the condo association president and tell him to change what he is doing. Honestly I've wanted out since I was told I had to park my truck 200 yards from my back door, or maybe it was the fact that I can't have a trash can, cooler, shovel, recycling bin, or tiki torches on my back patio! This is a plea to both of the people who read my blog, I'm looking at you Lindsey and Darren, never buy a condo!!! It will only destroy your soul.
So I've been up in Springfield, OH all week trying not to screw up a $9,000,000 job, while my Superintendent is on vacation. Holy crap talk about a depressing city, I have never seen so many homeless people in my entire life. Today as I was peeing in the port-o-let, I witnessed a homeless guy carry on a 3 minute conversation with a telephone pole 10 feet away from me. It was nuts the whole time he is motioning to other people and yelling, I was actually kind of scared. All these people do is walk around "downtown" Springfield all day. I know that I could never imagine what the country must have looked like during the Depression, but this might be as close as I have ever seen. When we got this job the owner's talked about how the city was recruiting them pretty hard to be the keystone to Springfield's revitalization, but dang as my uncle George Harrison once told me, "It's gonna take time, a whole lotta precious time, it's gonna take patience and time, to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it, to do it Right child!" OUT!