Ladies and Gentleman let me be the first to let you know... I HAVE PROCREATED! I'll have many of these in the coming months, but my first question is, how come the head is ginormous and the rest of the body isn't? With a melon like that I'm glad I'm not pushin that thing out! For real though, we are super siked about our new addition to the Callahan family, now the countdown is on to when we find out that it is a boy. If you are wondering (you're not if you're a guy) Lindsey is about 12 weeks pregnant and just had this ultrasound done today. Now I will give you my do's and don't's (how do you spell donts?) of pregnancy doctors visits!
DON'T make eye contact with the Dr. when they're you know... down yonder.
DO stock up on rubber gloves typically located under the exam table (my dad taught me that a long time ago, they come in handy for many around the house chores).
DON'T yell "been there" right before the Dr. goes under the hood.
DON'T look at the ultrasound probe thingy and ask "wow with the size of that thing, why isn't it black?"
DON't read ANY magazines in the waiting room, they will all just gross you out!
Do take all the free samples that you can get your grubby hands on. Even if they are for chicks, if you crush up ANY pill and snort it, it's gonna be awesome (kids don't snort anything).
DON't say a word. You input at these visits is ABSOLUTELY UNWANTED and UNNEEDED!
and finally...
DON'T take your pants off and sit on the examination table with your feet in the stirr-ups. The Dr. doesn't like it and your wife will punch you (I'll show you the bruise).
That is my list I'm sure that my wife is mad at me, but hey she knows it's all in fun and how pumped I am to be a daddy.
Poll Question: Should I find out the sex of the baby? This is more of a trivia question than poll question since there is an obvious answer.
Congrats Big Poppa. It's about time you got that little thing to serve a purpose. We tried to find out about the sex of Collin, but they were unsure. We knew Iliana was a girl. We wanted to know just so you knew what color clothes to buy and such. As long as it's one or the other, you'll be happy.
Congrats...your life is about to change forever :O)
With a head like that you better hope the baby is a boy.
"HEEEAD! PANTS! NOW!" (So I married an Axe Murderer)
You'll be able to say things like (Insert Scottish accent) "Look at the Melon on that one. It's Huge."
FYI, those ultra-sound things are a complete hoax! They just show you computer generated images and crap, don't trust them?
For real, when I saw the head I got real serious and asked if Lindsey has been cheating on me with Brickler!
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