I have never been one to question those who work for our local schools and the amount of hours they work. Deep down I wish I were them and picked a vocation where I can have a day off if it snows 1/2 an inch (or sometimes in Ian's case, no snow at all). When it snows and the wifes phone rings at 5 am I just roll my eyes and wish that it were my alarm clock that she was turning off. Well yesterday I got that wish! Got the call that we had no power at the office and I had the day off. Honestly I wish I could say I made the most of the day and it was glorious, but I cannot. Here is what I did yesterday:
7:00- Got the call that we were off work. Filled the generator with gas and went back to sleep.
9:30- Got out of bed and ate some Mini Wheats.
12 noon- Topped off the generator and headed over to the new house to see how things looked.
1- Waited in line at Wendy's for 45 minutes for a bad baked potato and a Frosty Float (subpar, but still delicious)
2- Rode shotgun as my dad performed the DICKMOVE of the Century! He was that guy! He didn't wait his turn at a powerless stoplight and snuck through the intersection behind another car. No less than 73 horns blew at the same time.
3- We arrived at Lowes to purchase one of the last 3 propane tanks. I took over driving duties and had to move dad's gun off the drivers seat! That's right he's strapping up if you see him!
5- I begin doing home improvements to mom and dads house. I nail some aluminum back up and screw in some gutter. Then as I have my tools out I got suckered into hanging some art on the deck. WTF!
7- I settle down to have my grilled pork chop, it was ok. Better than spam I guess.
8- As mom and dad ventured to Krogers for more food (they were not successful) I took my first ever WHORES BATH! That's right heated up some water on the grill and squatted in the bathtub over a 5 gallon bucket of water.
10- Fill generator, Nappy time.
That was it. I really though it was gonna be more exciting than that, but it was not. Please God let our power be restored. I really can't stand not playing 8 year olds in Madden online.
no school tomorrow either. we have used 3 of our calamity days and its not even october yet. heres to no summer vacation!!!
Mason only got one day off. My work didn't get any. That is some BS. Meanwhile, I think UnFairfield and Lakota are going on 12 days off in a row.
And that is why some of Ian's kids think the US is a continent, Kentucky is a city, and Canada is one of our states.
Canada is a state....a state of mind.
And Fairfield kids must be pretty smart to know about: Kentucky, IL; Kentucky, AR; and Kentucky, MI.
Symmes had Monday and Tuesday off... by wed I was ready for Conner to go back to school... he had every kid in the neighborhood in here! We are THAT house! lol
Screw you jerk! No videos = unhappy Fred...
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