That is how it typically works in my house. Boys play Battleship while girls do dishes! Right off the top, I'm gonna appologize for Friday's video fiasco. I should have done it when I got home from Best Buy (5:30 AM!!!), but I decided to wait and never got to it. It won't happen again (until next year day after Thanksgiving). Anyway, the wife and I have been looking to replace her computer (Gateway purchased in 1999 after she graduated). It's been a long time coming, but we finally decided to bite the bullet and Black Friday was to be the day. We found the one we liked at Best Buy so I ventured out at 4:30 on Friday morning only to be greeted by 1,000 of my closest friends at the Best Buy on Fields Ertel. Those crazy bastards beat me there! I figured I was there so I might as well go in. Once inside I was greeted by a annoyed high schooler in the computer section who informed me that they ran out of computer coupons "like, an hour ago." So I throw her a "that's cool I'll go to Dell.com" which had totally no affect on her. Oh well long story short (too late) I'll be surfin the intrawebs in style in a few weeks when the Dell arrives.
Saturday Knight was my 10 year reunion. It was a day I kind of dreaded/anticipated for a while. Lindsey informed me that I was going back in June so I really didn't have much choice. Overall I guess I would say that it was ok. I had a chance to reconnect with some people that I hadn't seen in a while Brian Merkle, Ben Willen, Tom Taylor etc. My favorite encounter was with Jason Brown, who I am sure is still high from the last time I saw him. I mean I spent alot of time with Jason in HS and when I saw him at the bar he just goes "sup man" (use you best "I'm high and drunk" voice when reading that). Is he that toasted that he doesn't even remember me? We were like best friends for a few years. Anyway they had a bunch of embarassing pictures on the tables and guess what gem I stumbled upon...
That strapping young man now rocks a pretty snazzy mustache. Steve Bragg hollah at cha boy. Is that Mandy Major he's hooking up with there? P.I.M.P. They also gave us back these cheezy surveys that we filled out at the Senior Banquet before we graduated. It was pretty boring except that under who I had a crush on I wrote... Mrs. Disbro. 10 years later it still holds true. Other than that I tried to get The Dunner drunk (unsuccessful) and LaKeisha's hair did NOT catch on fire as it did the last time I saw her.
And J I will add this part for you. I had my first experience with a Zune on Sunday while tailgating. I will give it a solie B+. After I figured out that you can browse other songs while listening to the current one by pressing the back arrow button (I had it at a D- before that) it was much better. I will say this about it and it is my same complaint about the IPod, I wanna know what song it is playin next if I have it on shuffle. When I am DJ'in Bengals tailgate I need to know what is next and so on so I don't have to run back to the IPod every song. Work on that!
i think very few people would dig the "what's next in the shuffle" feature - but i'd be one of them. it's a pretty good idea, actually.
the zune's interface isn't really better or worse than the ipod's - but the fact that it lasts three or four days on a charge instead of seven hours is enough for me. i do enjoy the "go to artist" feature - when i'm shuffling all my music, i can hit the squircle button and click "go to artist" and it drops me into the list of their music - on an ipod, you'd have to search for it manually. good for me because i usually shuffle through my music if i don't know what i'm in the mood to listen to, and that helps me get there much faster. that plus wireless sync, and i'm a happy dude.
chinese democracy rules!
on an ipod, i'd like to have a shuffle feature AFTER you select an artist.
and you must be smoking rocks on chinese democracy.
The Samsung Sansa Fuze I just scored for Sarah has the "what's next" feature.
I just got it in today, so I'm still playing with it, but so far it knocks the socks off any gay iPod. I scored the 4 GB for $50, plus you can stick in a micro SD flash card to add memory. I scored 2 4GB cards on Woot a few weeks ago for $5.
Suck it iPod...
You scored one for Sarah and you are playing with it??? Isn't that kind of like getting her a bowling ball drilled for your fingers for Christmas? You my friend are a genius! Wish I could do that.
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