So as I am watching (actually I was painting the kitchen) the Super Bowl 12 hour Pregame Show yesterday Journey comes on. Lindsey then asks me who the lead singer of Journey is... I use my Basketball knowlege to answer, Steve Perry. Her next question is, "Is he Asian?" At that point I put down my paint brush and come watch some Asian guy sound EXACTLY like Steve Perry. I later learned that this dude won some karaoke contest to become Journey's new lead singer. What bar was this at? How did I miss out? I'm sure that if they would have seen my karaoke rendition of "Why don't we get drunk... and screw" or "You don't have to call me darlin... darlin" I would be the new singer of Journey! I just don't remember Kurt Loder telling me that Journey broke up.
Now on to the actual reason why I was awake last knight (no not the commercials which mostly sucked) Super Bowl VVVVVVVVIII (sorry I only know that V's are 5 and I's are 1). The game, let's face it was fixed by Obama. Every time they went under the hood to "review" a play they were just consulting with Obama. I call shenanigan's on all of the penalties that they called against the Cards, that was some bullsh! I was the world's biggest Cardinals fan yesterday which I guess sealed the deal for them losing. John McCain ain't got nothin on me as far as being a Cards fan (remember I never trust a man who can't touch the top of his head (I'm going to hell)). I also came to the conclusion on the way home that I would rather see the Steelers lose than the Bengals win! I hate everything about the Steelers and their fans. From their gay towels to their gay players I just hate them.
One thing is for certain, that was the greatest 12 minutes that has ever followed the worst 48 minutes in sports history! What a horrible 3 quarters! I have heard people saying all day that was the greatest Super Bowl EVER! What? Are you kidding me? Where were you for quarters 1-3? This is how I rate the Super Bowl, Quarter 1...2 - Quarter 2...3 (TD taken to the house has to count for something) - Quarter 3...2 - Quarter 4...10. That gives the Super Bowl a 4.25 rating in my book. Sure the 4th quarter was great, but the rest of the game BLEW!
My next observation is this, when did Brenda Warner get hot??? This is her now...

This was her then...

Whatt??? Remember when you looked like Ma'am from Webster?

I have no clue how this happened, OK I do, but still whoever the doctor was that carved up her face was worth every penny! I'm sayin that Brenda Warner is now hot! Voice your opinion to the right.