It deeply saddens me to post this picture, but in the interest of blogging integrity I MUST post the result of the Brenda Warner poll / debate. Look I still think she’s hot, but it seems as though Dunner and I may be responsible for all 6 yes votes. My guy at work simply couldn’t get over the fact that she looked like Ma’am in her past days, and of course the fact that she is Bat Sh*t Crazy! I will say that this thumbs down has ruined my Monday and possibly my week (unless of course the boy decides to make his appearance this week, then it will go from ruined to… o.k.).
This week does promise to be memorable as I am taking some classes Tues, Wed, Thurs to officially become a tree-hugging hippy! Work is having myself and another guy take a LEED Training course this week and take our certification exam next week. What is LEED you ask? LEED is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. I think it should be LIEAED, but that doesn’t roll off the tongue like LEED. Basically it will give us the ability to pursue jobs that are being built “green”. My thought is if it gives me some kind of job security (certification is NOT a cheap process) then I am all for it! Really it is a good thing and I think in the next 10 years all construction guys will have to be LEED certified to get a job. It will become similar to having OSHA training right now.
Completely non-related to being a hippie, so the wife and I are at Target (devil) yesterday and I realized how ready she is to be a mother… As we are getting ready to checkout we realize that we forgot to get myself some new undies (*editors note* my last set of new underwear were purchased by my mother, so I’m due for some new ones)! So we head back to the men’s department where they have walls of underwear. There she proceeds to give me a wedgie so she can see the tag on the back of my underwear (I couldn’t remember the brand or size of my drawers). Here I am grown man standing in a Target with my underwear pulled up to my shoulder-blades looking none too amused. I felt like a 5 year old being checked by his mother! By the time this akward exchange has run it’s course we are both laughing so hard that we are in tears and I can’t imagine what others are thinking as we are searching for tagless boxer briefs in size whale (they were fresh out so the saga continues). I can’t wait to go to Victoria’s Secret so I can pull her drawers up over her head!
Sorry dude, I voted no...
you're dead to me.
i was amazed when i picked up some new ones the other day to find out that i'm still a large.
its great to know that i'm not an xl in something.
haha Ryan hasn't ever baught his own. I looked in the tag at home then went to the store and got them or got on and got them end of '08 $2 a pair :o)
yo jerk, gimme some videos!
What course will you be taking?? I am taking Clean Edison two day intensive course in April, they come highly recommended and guarantee you pass the first time. I too am in the construction business..(project manager for retail contractor) and was "asked" to pursue the LEED exam..but yes I'm all for it!
Just an FYI. LEED 2009 starts April 1st and is going to be much more difficult to become certified. If you can sign-up for a class before then and pass the test I would recommend it as LEED 2009 requires 2 tests and LEED job experience. You might already know this, but if you take it the old way (you can sign up for the test until March 31st) you will be grandfathered in.
I took the class offered at OCAS (3-days) and it was good. Just a ton of information in 3 days (8 hour power points) I take my test Friday, so I am cramming every knight. (sorry I have to spell knight that way to keep all the people who read this (both of them) happy).
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