Friday, March 6, 2009

I'm Back, and I'm Ringin' a Bell!

BMX Kid Faceplants Hard on Board - Watch more Funny Videos
Well Done Euro-dude.

Watermelon Cracked by Shuttlecock - Watch more Funny Videos
When me and Steve Oliver won the Northwest HS NATIONAL badminton championship we used to pound shuttlecock this hard. That's right I said it, now say it with me "SHUTTLECOCK"!

Painful Leap of Faith Over River - Watch more Funny Videos
Bigfoot is NOT ok.

The All-Purpose Pair of Nunchucks - Watch more Funny Videos
Where can I find a driver attachment for my nunchucks?
And how bout 2 videos with badminton in them??? New all time high!

Female Diver Slams Face On Diving Board - Watch more Epic Fails
There are too many stereotypes being proved correct in this video to list.

Somebody mentioned Lazy Sunday a few weeks back so here you go. My only problem with this video is that Mr. Pibb + Red Vines does not = Crazy Delicious, but Mr. Pibb + Twizzlers (or Chipotle) does = Crazy Delicious! Suckit Nick (and Dunner) (and everyone else at boxing).

P.S. If you wanna hold a baby we're here for your enjoyment, he'll sleep on you... unless it's 3:00 AM!


B-Call said...

why is the first japanese video 90 seconds long? its 30 seconds of cock-pounding action and 60 of japanese guys eating watermelon.

really, all i wanted to say was "cock-pounding action".

and just so we all understand, the nunchuck guy can hit a golfball further and straighter than any of us.

Anonymous said...

FYI: Miller Chill through Red Vines also equal crazy delicious.


Anonymous said...

yo dude what time do you want this food tomorrow???