I don't know what this picture has to do with Father's Day, but I love it!
So yesterday was a day that I have been looking forward to for a few months since the boy arrived. My first Father’s Day was overall successful. My day started with what has come to be my favorite part of any weekend. When Riley wakes up, Lindsey goes and gets him out of his crib and we play with him in bed for 20 minutes or so. It only took my wife 4 years to figure out that I like to lie in bed for a half hour or so when I wake up, it took my son less than 3 months! He likes to play in the morning so it’s fun to make him kick his legs and tickle him and make him laugh. So far being a dad has been much cooler than I could have ever expected, I often find myself thinking about seeing him when I get home from work and how great that will be.
So that said, my son got me a gift card to Bass Pro Shops for Father’s Day. That is what I asked for, so I know that he is a good listener. My reasoning for the gift card to the Redneck Store was pretty simple… Every year I declare that this is the year that I start fishing again (I haven’t fished since I was 15). Problem is, I don’t have a fishing pole anymore. So I figured that if I am going to start fishing more then I need to buy a pole and some gear. So in the near future (before we go to Norris Lake in July) I will be making a trip to Bass Pro to stock up on all of the necessities.
Another thing that I need to get before Norris lake is THE BULLET !!! There is no way in hell I’m getting in that inflatable coffin again, but I’m sure I can coax my brother’s in law (sp?) to jump in that thing by calling them girls! Needless to say I am bringing the Vicodin and muscle relaxers this year just in case, in fact after Brian’s wipe out I think I will make those medications a staple for all future boat trips. Which brings me to my next question… Nick when is the next boat trip? Are you gonna make us call your pops and ask him? Hook us up! I’ve been doing 2-3 crunches a week for the past week and a half to strengthen my back, I’m good!
Also Saturday knight before The Dunner, J, and I got a contact high at 311 we hit up FatBurger. Considering that it is ½ mile from my work and has been open for 10 months it is a shame that it took me this long to make my maiden voyage. It was worth the wait though. And considering that I have now visited two of the more decorated burger chains in the last 2 weeks here is a quick review…
Five Guys (DC/Ballstimore Area) Great Burger! It almost seemed as though the cheese was impregnated (that’s right I said it) into the meat and then cooked, that part was great! The lettuce tomato, jalaps and other toppings were ok, but they were almost lost by the burger itself.
FatBurger (Nati) Also Great Burger! It was well put together and on this occasion the toppings and bun stole the show! Not to say that the meat wasn’t good, but the toppings were great! I love shredded lettuce and all the other stuff on the burger!
My consensus… Go to both places, take a Five Guys (cheese impregnated) burger and throw it on a FatBurger bun and toppings, you just may have the greatest cheeseburger EVER!!!
I still haven't had a ride on the bullet. I'll bring a back brace. When are we going?
I'll talk to my pops when I get back from Colorado. I'm sure he is ready and willing to hurt someone again.
there will be no hurting of Brain this year. i'm riding in the boat and swimming. that's all. a broke back and trying to put my head through Nick's head the year before has made me rethink some things.
as long as i still get to eat "The Greatest American Hero" i'll be content.
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