So the wife told me a few days ago that I do not post pictures of Riley on the blog anymore. Here you go woman, even though this post has nothing to do with him. Oh and there really is no need for you to comment on how he is the cutest 7 month old ever, I already know!
It has been a while since I have muttered the magical words "who" and "dey". It’s not that I have given up on the Bengals, just that I have become so cynical about them over the past few years that I am constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop and then go on a 5 game losing streak. But what if it doesn’t happen? What if they continue to win games and go to the playoffs? Do I really want to say that I missed a great year because I was waiting for a good team to fail? I have compared my love for this team to a sickness that I can’t make go away and hopefully this is a year in which that sickness goes into remission and is truly magical a la 2005. I’m still too cynical to say that it will forever be gone, but I want to enjoy the next few months as if I were a fan of any other team (beside the Raiders) in the NFL enjoys winning.
I guess my reason for bucking up one more time and believing is that I see something in this team that hasn’t been there before (even in 2005). They don’t give up and they all think that someone, could be anyone, is going to make a play and win the game. Many people have told me (but mainly Simon) that I am a fool for keeping my tickets and going down there, but I always say there is nothing better than going to a game when they are winning. It’s just fun. The Steelers game may have been the best 3 hours of my life (I say 3 hours because the first half doesn’t count it was horrible). It was great walking back to the car yelling at the Steelers fans who do the same thing to us after they win every other year.
So here is my charge, if you are a Bengals fan don’t hold back, don’t be ashamed to root for your team, and yell “WHO DEY, WHO DEY, WHO DEY THINK GONNA BEAT DEM BENGALS!” whenever you want because we don’t know when this run will end. Hopefully not soon! And if you wanna get down on some Deep Fried Turkey buy a ticket to the next Ravens game on Nov. 8th (tickets are still available) and meet me at Longworth, I’ll be fryin’ it up with a Jew!
Yes, that is the cutest 7 month old I have ever seen! His mom and dad are two lucky people!
You're stupid for keeping your tickets
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