So the Wife wanted me to post a picture of Riley since I'm also doing pictures now. This is a picture of a child who has managed to get his entire pacifier in his mouth. He takes after his mom folks, hiyooooo...

Ohhh soccer, why is it so easy?

No really he USED to be fat, not anymore.

Love is patient, love is Kin... and I'm spent...

Apparently Referee #23 has VY on his fantasy team!

I think we have finally found someone to beat Murph at ping pong. Don't be fooled by the flapping arm skin, she is ruthless.

Chocolate Log? That was my nickname in college.

This is on my wall right next to my desk. Motivation all day.
What the hell! No videos last week? There is at least one person (and not more) who still checks the blogs. And how has "I Threw It On The Ground" not made the cut?
That tramp stamp was HOT!
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