Above is a good example of what would happen if I was ever a manager at a sporting goods store.
If you are keeping score at home (and I know you aren't) Conner spanked me in pint sized bowling last knight at Krazy City! Somehow a 6 year old managed to bowl a 107 on an impossibly hard bowling game. I didn't even get a strike, and only had like 2 spares the whole time. I think the Big Balls Moment of the Knight came from... guess who? Conner Hamrick, who decided to buck the system when playing putt putt. Instead of paying 25 points (which equals $700) to play putt putt, he just walked up, grabbed a ball and a putter and walked right through the exit like he owned the place! It was awesome, why doesn't everyone do this? Once inside Conner hit the links, while Aly and I had a dance party under the blacklights. Later on Conner declared me his hero as I stuck it to Howie Mandel and beat the odds to win Deal or No Deal (the video game). As the tickets poured out of the machine he was running laps around the game, screaming.
I got home in time to watch the end of the Reds game, during which I came to this conclusion... We're going to the Super Bowl!!! If my calculations are right and we continue scoring 12 runs a game to the opponents 4, our final record will be 158-4, I'll take that.
I'm not sure if he ran laps out of excitment you won...or just the mass amounts of sugar in his system....He's still talking about last night....I'm scared your his hero Brad...lol Thank you all for coming meant a lot to little dude...tell Lindsey to email me any pics :o)
Best Conner Comment EVER!
To Ryan: Dad, do you want to know why I have two balls?
Ryan (Shocked) Ummm why?
Conner: Incase I loose one
Ryan: Oh you mean bounce balls
Conner: Yea
Ryans face and mine held it in..but thats totaly NOT where or what he was going to say!
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