Charlie Does!
I often read SportsPickle.com, but rarely comment on it. I read it today and almost crapped myself when I read the main headline "Vegas picks Noter Dame to lose it's spring game." I know ND is like Duke or OSU where you either love em' or hate em' and there is no in between, but unfortunately for me, I love em! The main problem here is that over the last 16 or so months I have come to the following conclusion... Jimmy Claussen is a dousche! I'm not sure if it is his spikey hair, or the fact that he wore his 3 state championship rings (on the same hand) to his press conference.
In other news, the Reds suck and the season is over so there is no need to touch on them until November. When does football season start anyway? I think as Cincinnati sports fans we should have the right to jump on 1 bandwagon per year, guiltfree. Look at it as some sort of payback for sticking with the Bengals and Reds all season. It's the laest the sportsgods could do for us after punishing Cincinnati since 1990. Speaking of 1990 I saw Chris Sabo on Saturday eating lunch with his daughter at Willies in Kenwood. I just thought it was funny to have 2 Chris Sabo sightings in a matter of weeks. The best part was that the guys I was with didn't believe me, until I pointed out that he STILL HAD A FLATTOP!! I think that is just the product of a lazy barber, who can only do 1 type of haircut, kind of like Carl at Hilltop Barber Shop. Since we were in Montgomery we're looking in the parking lot at a bunch Benz's and BMW's trying to figure out which one belonged to Sabo, and as he exited we followed him, only to be let down to see him climb into a... Honda CRV??? So Chris Sabo and LO Kremer roll the same thing? Oh how the mighty have fallen, former millionaire rocking a Honda, hopefully he is just living off interest, but I don't know.
sabo sold his 5-series beamer, apparently cause the mileage sucked. don't doubt the detroit kid's frugality, son...
If it's not a 7 series I got no love. My fault didn't mean to dis your future son's godfather.
there's a reason he was doing the "living legends" thing for J-Dubs work...dude's gotta make some cash!
i gotta say i was a little bummed that he didn't pull up in the Maybach...
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