OK so I walk in the door at work today and hear those 2 magical words that everyone loves to hear..."Server's Down" SWEET!!! Talk about an excuse to do absolutely nothing for a few hours. Everything I do has something to do with the server or the extranet, so there was nothing I could do until about 11:00. I started my day by kind of staring at my screen for about 20 minutes. After doing this I began an epic series of Vegas (baby) Solitaire, in which I lost $736 (virtual of course). At about 9:00 I came to the realization that I blow at solitaire and I started playing hearts. The only thing I have to say about hearts is... DAMN YOU QUEEN OF SPADES! (On the last hand to lose the game) If you don't play hearts this is the equivalent of playing driveway 21, you and you buddy Steve both have 19, you drive the lane for a layup and as it rolls off the rim Steve (bastard) tips it in to win the game. So it is now just before 10:00 and I hear some guy putting in the hallway, holy crap game on! This is what I had been waiting for all morning, someone to whip out the putter. When I started out putting it was just me and a guy, by the time we got to the 13th hole (the large conference room) we had a 7-some. No money exchanged hands although there was talk of organizing a skins game next time the server goes down.
At about 10:50 the IT guy shows and starts swapping wires in the server room. As we are putting by him, I remembered the only thing about IT that I know (mainly from an old Dell commercial).
Me: Having problems with the blades?
Him: Blades?
Me: You know what goes into the Blade Center?
Him: Blade Center?
Me: Yeah where you put the Blades!
Him: You guys don't have a blade center.
Me: Well where do the blades go?
Him: No Blades.
Me: Oh Ok, welp my turn to putt!
It was a dream conversation, he had no clue that I was screwing with him, but I am pretty sure that he knows that I have no idea how to fix a server. Bad news came about 12 minutes later when I hear our accountant yell "woohoo server is up and running!" Who does that, what kind of person is excited when we get to BACK to work?? An accountant that's who!
1 comment:
Did the IT guy yell "MOVE!!!" as he walked by you?
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