Today, Hello Kitty was named the official traveling ambassador to Japan? Like we needed another reason to make fun of the Japanese. That's all I got on that.
Friday knight played some sand volleyball, it was our first game in a league organized by Lindsey's cousin. The game started well, when D. Glass was trying to hit a ball and chucked his ring 6" deep in the sand. Luckily for him, just as he was about to give up, somehow this old guy found it and we didn't have to resort to the metal detector.
Niw for the great move of 2008 part 1, as of last knight all pieces of furniture have been accounted for and remain UNDAMAGED! I have no idea how this happened, except for the fact that our movers were awesome and worth every penny (all 50,000 of them). You should have seen my dude Greg load up our storage unit. It's same to say there is no room for even a dead midget in storage they packed it so tight. We spent all day Sunday making a Goodwill/Mercyworks run and taking other little things to storage, and oh yeah cleaning.
Lindsey and I both had the same feeling as we were walking through the empty house. It's weird, because even though we were frustrated so much living there, and hated it enough to pay someone to buy it, it's still the only place we had called home during our married life so we were kind of sad to leave. It's funny how you kind of look at a house as a living thing, and yesterday our condo looked sad as we closed the doors.
Enough of the sob story though, we are officially moved in with Tim and Gayle, and have way too much crap stuffed into what is otherwise known as my old bedroom. Lindsey crushed her face on the wall on her side of the bed (due to the tinyness of the bed). The important thing is that I will have my PS3 hooked up today when I get home from work, ie 1 1/2 hours after I leave (damn 75 north).
aly's pissed that you took her bed that she doesn't sleep in.
tell her that if she does sleep in it, which we all know she won't... She might wanna sleep on top of the covers, cuz S@&T goes down between tha sheets!
I'm assuming that is how Lindsey "crushed her face on the wall."
You Wille Die In 50 Days...hey bradley your going to feel really bad when that ticker to the right becomes accurate :op jerk
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