Wow that kind of makes me wish I'd kept my Ron Dugans jersey... All I'd have to do is change the nameplate.
Some things have happened in sports in the last few days that have made me EXTREMELY happy and EXTREMELY pissed off, here they are. JOSH FRICKIN HAMILTON! Damn, I know that my brother and I are the only people who still watch the Home Run Derby, but hopefully you have atleast seen clips on youtube by now. Dude went bonkers, I didn't keep track but he had to have hit 10 in a row with 8 outs! He hit 28... IN THE FIRST ROUND! You can't do that in wiffle ball, and these were 500 footers! It was maybe the best display of hitting I have ever seen, and keep in mind I watched Wily Mo (batting practice legend) take bp over 50 times. I'm not going to bash the Reds for trading him (like all the morons calling in to the talk shows have today) but I would love it if he were still here and we had Volquez (impossible). I had a man crush on him before last knight, and I have had full on man BONER since about 9:30 yesterday.
Brett Fav-rah, what a Deutsch bag! Pretty simple, dude I used to love you. Now I just wish you would hang'em up. This is what happens when you come home after playing in the NFL and banging 20 year old groupies for 18 years and realize that part of your life is over. Or maybe he just realized that Murph's fantasy team would fall apart without him. PS Murph's team fell apart years ago!
The whole Volquez not starting the All Star Game also kind of bothered me. Not only is he not starting, but he didn't even have a chance according to Clint Hurdle. It came down to Zambrano (10 W's, 78 K's, 2.84 ERA) Webb (13 W's, 112 K's, 3.23 ERA) and Ben Sheets (10 W's, 108 K's, 2.85 ERA). Volquez has 12 W's, 126 K's, and a 2.29 ERA. He is the only person in the top 4 in the NL in all of those stats. Theoretically he is the only pitcher who has a shot at the pitching Triple Crown. I'm sick of reds pitchers getting no love at all, wether it's Harang not getting Cy Young votes (ridiculous) or this, throw us a bone!
Billy Packer is DONE, praise allah! ONIONS! way to go CBS.
Finally our boy Jose Canseco got knocked the fuuuh out by who you ask? Vai frickin Sikahema! That's right the most entertaining punt returner of all time, well maybe just my favorite football name. I read on his wikipedia page that he is a mormon, so add him to the list of great mormon football players, that's right Steve Young. I also read that Ladanian Tomlinson touched me in my happy place after a playoff game, on his wiki page so who knows how accurate the mormon thing is. I will edit Vai Sikihema's page now to say that he is fighting Money Mayweather in December, let's see how long that lasts.
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