All I can say is dang! What a fight, if you missed it chances are you will need to be ther for Cotto/Margarito II because it IS going to happen... SOON! As you may have heard I'm kind of a big Coto fan, and that is not changing. I just gained a TON of respect for your boy Antonio Margarito. I gave him no love last week, but I must say, dudes face is steel plated! He took punch after punch from Cotto and he looked like he went 10 rounds with me after the fight!!! It was ridiculous, fight of the last few years indeed! Cotto has nothing to be ashamed of, he fought his fight and was winning (by very little) when he got knocked out. I remember thinking during the fight that he didn't need to knock out Margarito, just last 12 rounds. That did not happen (obviously). Margarito's jaw was ridiculous, Cotto could have had a sledgehammerand he wasn't going down. Anyway to make a long story short (too late) I walked in a HUGE Cotto fan and walked away with mad props to your boy Margarito!
The fight kind of ruined my weekend though, my Sunday was alot like midseason Bengals Mondays after they get thumped. I guess I was more of a fan of Cotto than I thought I was. First thing I did when I woke up was make sure that Cotto didn't die in his sleep Saturday knight, and then I checked back in throughout the day. He'll be alright, he'll fight some schmuck in December/January, then Margarito again in July/August next year. It just sucks that he was about to get all the props that he deserves and lost it in an instant. He'll be back, trust me. I guess Mayweather will be scheduling his comeback right about now since he wouldn't have to answer questions about fighting Cotto for a while.
Poll Question, why is Simon a bastard? The whole time it was just "Brad there goes your boy, there goes your boy." I know Deutsch bag he's in the process of getting knocked the fuu out, just let it happen Dick!
I have to give Margarito some respect too. I thought he was going to be pounded...apparently his face is made of stone. Cotto had plenty of solid uppercuts on him that would have laid out any other fighter. But the Mexican just kept taking it over and over. Great fight though. Blood looks delicious in HD!
I read an article today on espn.com about how Margarito has had trouble over the past few years getting anyone to fight him. I guess Mayweather refused to fight him too, in addition to refusing Cotto (which makes you wonder who he actually would fight if he ever came back). Now we can see why that is. They are still talking Margarito vs. De La Hoya, but I can't see him (Oscar) doing that.
And don't forget to give love to Jaylene's cousin!
I've never seen Cotto fight before, so i don't know much about the guy. What I do know is that he throws some accurate punches while backing up, cause that's all dude did. Sure he was landing some HARD shots to Margarito's face all night long, and Margarito just brushed them off, but who was the last guy that won a fight while backing up the whole fight?
If Cotto could have stayed on the offensive end for more than 4 punches, he might have had some better luck.
I'm just pissed I didn't bet you on body shots off Justin...
I knew that was going to be your agrument. Cotto did not back up the whole time because that is what he does. He backed up because he didn't want to fight Margarito's fight. What you saw in the last 3 rounds was Margarito's fight, just a straight BRAWL, nothing pretty. Margarito just wants to walk you into a corner and pound on you for a round. Cotto is a pretty fighter who hits hard, but is not going to overwhelm you with a flurry of punches (FYI he's not a heavyweight). I guess that is my next point Margarito fights a heavyweights fight... AS A WELTERWEIGHT! It's not a bad thing either, if Margarito can continue to force his will on opponents like he did to Cotto, then he will be a great fighter for a long time. There is much strategery in boxing, and clearly Cotto thought that was the most effective way to fight Margarito. Get in, land your punches and get out.
The one thing that Cotto didn't do enough of in my mind was work the body. Dunner you might know better if this is a bad approach against margarito, but he was clearly not affected by shots to the face. Should he have gone to the body? That is typically Cotto's bread and butter, work the body until your opponent pees himself, that in boxing is also scored like a knockdown.
I'm just saying what I saw in the fight. I wasn't rooting for anyone going into the fight, and everyone was pulling for Cotto, so I figured, somebody needs to root for this chump Margarito. I was honestly as surprised as you were that Margarito actually won. Dude doesn't even look like a boxer. He's got a face of steal though.
If backing up the whole time "is what Cotto does" then he should find a new job. You're not going to win fights against good fighters by being on your heels the whole time.
But he has one fights against good fighters....until Saturday he was undefeated. He just underestimated Margarito's ability to take punches.
Remember when I clarified myself in the last post that backing up is NOT what he typically does, just what he did in that fight???
If you forgot here it is..."Cotto did not back up the whole time because that is what he does. He backed up because he didn't want to fight Margarito's fight."
And I think you answered the question of why you're a bastard... Because everyone else was rooting for Cotto you rooted for Margarito. Just to piss everyone off. Bastard!
yep, pretty much, somebody has to take THAT place.
by the way, what time is our game toKnight
10:10, bastard
thanks dick-lips
Here is my post-fight two cents:
Cotto's body shots are his best asset. His right hook to the body is his best punch (at least that is what they said before the fight--I would not know that otherwise). I am no trainer, but I do know that to land a body shot takes a lot more time and opens you up more for a couter-punch than a jab or straight right. You can try it at home and see the difference. Therefore, if Margarito is pressuring you and hitting hard, you may think twice before opening up to hit to the body, especially if he is doing a good job of protecting his body. I still think Cotto is a very good fighter. He was not out-boxed and landed a lot of good shots. But he did get knocked out and deserved to lose.
Here is what everyone is discarding--Margarito is the man! This guy is only underrated because people are afraid to fight him. He is like a real life Rocky. He has a heavy hand and granite chin. I think he won that fight the same way he beat Kermit Cintron a few years back on ESPN when he made Cintron (at the time a very good fighter) cry after the fight on his trainer's shoulder like a 15 year old who got dumped at his Homecoming. Why? Because he was mentally beaten down. Imagine throwing your best shots at a guy all night and having them bounce off your opponent like a tree trunk. Ten rounds of that, mixed with exhaustion, will wear down your will and mentally frustrate you to tears. I think that is why Cotto was beat. He was mentally beat because he couldn't handle Margarito mentally as much as physically.
With that said, Margarito has five losses so I can't hold him up as the greatest. But he has my respect, for sure, more so than before (I did give him a lot of credit before the fight). I will also say that a guy who fights like Margarito can't fight for too long before getting brain stew and losing his skills. The brain can only take so much. He should fight a couple more times and call it quits before losing the ability to add and subtract.
So Simon, hater of pugalism, were you satisfied with the fight?
I was satisfied with the fight. Finally a fight that lived up to the hype. I wish they could all fight like these 2 did Saturday. There was non stop action for 11 rounds. Usually you see guys that are tired by round 3 and are leaning all over the other dude, and it just turns stupid. If boxing wants to return to the sport it once was, they need to figure out a way to showcase fights with guys like these two more often.
And I love the Pugil stick!
PS Brad, I still hate you.
Brad, is this a record for number of comments on your blog? I didn't think people came here.
Eric, did you miss the fact that it was pretty much just me you and brad ringing in...
Anyway, Brad you a fag
Hey, this is more action than anyone of the other blogs combined the past few weeks, so I am happy. That is until your last Wack MCs post--I can't wait!
nobody reads (or comments) the blogs anymore, I'm just trying to stir up the pot a little...
I like pot.
shut up jerk, nobody asked you
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