Today is a glorious day in the Callahan household. As my previous post stated Oct. 14th is the day in which the Dish gets installed!!! I have just heard from the installer and it is going to happen so as of this second I am giving Time warner Cable (and their superior high speed internet, Sorry J) the middle finger. They officially get no money from the Callahan's in their new home! Now finally I can go back to ignoring my wife's comments and enjoying glorious television! Problem is I still have to watch my programs (as my grandma would say) that I taped from last knight on the antenna. Great, all this tochnology and I'm still usin rabbit ears.
Why did I have to tape my programs last knight you ask? Oh that would be because we were busy RETURNING the greatest chair ever assembled!!! My chair, my beloved chair (I fall quickly as you can see) IS THE WRONG STINKIN COLOR! Granted this is all our (my) fault, but see it kind of doesn't match anything else in our family room. When I pushed for the brown (poop) colored chair, I forgot that the rest of the room is red couches and black wood. (I know black wood funny huh huh). So we went back to La-z-Boy and of course they do not have black in that chair... in stock. But you sir can wait an additional 6-8 weeks for us to make that chair in black... FOR AN EXTRA 200 BUCKS!!! I better die in this chair! We have now spent the same amount on my chair as we did the rest fot the sofa's in that room. Keep in mind, I love this chair. It's worth the cash.
P.S. what should I watch first on my dish? I'm kind of leaning towards going to pay per view and reading the adult film titles like we did at the farm! "Fill'er Up"
soooo... did you get the black chair, or what?
ofcourse I did. Sooo... are you gonna go watch the Dolphins game at my house Sunday since I'll be sleeping through the Bengals game???
So you won't get the chair until after the football season? That sucks. Tell Lazboy to get those children moving.
Yeah atleast I'll have it for the NCAA tournament... The true test of a chair's durability. Sitting in it for 72 straight hours of basketball!
hahaha I can't wait to read your post 1 year from now... i'm thinking we will see a whole new Brad after the birth of child #1 :o)
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