So moving day was very much not a fiasco at all thanks to great movers! Dudes showed up at 8:15 loaded up from storage and headed to the new crib. For real they were gone by 12:00! $489 later I was a very happy boy! The only problem was that at 12:00 Friday there was just a bunch of boxes and stuff in the rooms of my house and it all still needed to be unpacked. Needless to say the past 4 days have been spent unpacking and putting up blinds and running downspout lines away from the house and all the other fun stuff that comes with owning a home. Here is the other revelation that we had. We don't own jack! All our worldly posessions fill the new house approximately 15-20% The kitchen is almost comical, our old kitchen was stuffed to the gills with our stuff. Now about 1/2 is filled, not to mention a pantyr that will never be able to be filled. The point of my story is this... I'm buying stuff! If you have anything that I can buy from you, then I am interested! I don't care how tacky it looks, how old it is or the fact that it smells like an old man took a Metamucil dump in it 25 years ago and left it to rot, I'm buying it from you if it will fill my house.
My favorite purchase that I will get to make in this new house is a dad chair! I've wanted a big rocker/recliner for a few years now and we finally have a room in which it will fit. I get a little misty eyed thinking of all the sporting events that we will share together and I don't even have it yet. I like Brian's but I don't know if I wanna do leather or that fake suede stuff. I love that Brian's chair has heat, massage and the best thing a cupholder! Who doesn't need a cupholder in their chair? (besides those people who have a table right next to the chair of course) I guess if Lindsey gets to buy dining room furniture and living room furniture than she will have NO input on my dad chair!
So to answer the 2 people who have asked me how the new house is... It's great. We are enjoying not being pissed all the time due to lack of personal space and a change of scenery. The most exciting part is that for the first time we are living in a house where we can see raising a family, and that my friends is a good thing.
congrats baby, can't wait to come see it. i am also loving having an open kitchen with lots of space. one question, wtf is a downspout?
So when are you having everyone out to what Simon abd Brian refer to as "the country" (which is saying something for two guys who lead/led at Ross) to see the new crib?
when have we ever referred to it as "the country"? Maybe "The Great White North" Or "halfway to Michigan" or "way the f out there"...But don't think we've ever said "the country"
i have a big ice cock you can have.
why did you have to re-aim the downspouts? did they install them pointed towards the house? the guys that put them in must have been from the southern hemisphere because everything down there is backwards.
friggin' coriolis!?!
I've got a poker table and some chairs that are yours. I also have a couch. Come and get 'em.
I'll have a poker knight once I can wrap the entire inside of the house in plastic! Luckily for me we have no dining room table yet!
you got a Killer Bunnies box?
The Gooch still has his!
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