So it’s been a week since the catastrophe in Miami and I guess I am starting to get better, thanks for the cards and email well wishes… I am going to sit down and watch my first football game since the Orange Bowl toknight. I guess I have a few questions;
1) Why the hell is the National Championship game on January 8th? I remember when I was just a young buck and we would have to go back to school on January 2nd, Brian and I would beg our parents to let us stay up and watch the Sugar Bowl or Orange Bowl or whatever game was going to determine the National Champion. Really I would like for all games to be over by New Years Day, but I know that is not gonna happen. So if they must go beyond 1/1 then why not finish it up on the Friday knight after New Year’s Day? It doesn’t conflict with NFL and is still on a weekend knight where the genital public doesn’t have to stay up til midknight on a school/work knight.
2) What is all the fuss about Utah? I know they went undefeated, but c’mon, in the Mountain West Conference??? Give me a break, that’s not real football. Go through the SEC, Big 12, Big 2 (that’s right with the emergence of Penn State it has become the Big 2), or even Big East undefeated and we’ll talk, but when your most impressive Conference win is BYU (the fightin’ Mormons played no one either) you don’t have a leg to stand on. Even with a “Plus 1” format I don’t see them getting into the Plus 1 game! My BCS cheat sheet still has Texas at #3 and there is no way that Utah is going from #6 to #2 with a win over Bama. So then what now they are gonna want a “Plus 2”? This is why we need a playoff people! If you put 8 teams in a playoff with automatic bids and a few at large berths according to the BCS standings here’s what you got:
1) Big 12, Oklahoma
2) SEC, Florida
3) At Large, Texas
4) At Large, Bama
5) Pac 10, USC
6) Big 10, Penn State
7) Big East, UC
8) ACC, Virginia Tech
Guess what? That’s by the numbers (with no bias) and Utah didn’t even make it! Sorry but even if they do go to a playoff (they won’t) there will always be automatic bids because that’s how the NCAA works. So in this case there is no way that Utah is jumping over Bama or Texas for an automatic bid, tough sh*T!
3) My next question would be this. If you are a college football coach would you rather have an undefeated season in the Mountain West, ORRRR a 1 loss season in the SEC or Big 12? If you said 1 loss in the SEC or Big 12 you would be correct! All other answers are considered moronic and I have pitty on your thinking.
That is all… I’m off to the Shriner’s Burn Center to get a skin graft for my hand after my minor Router accident last knight while working on my Fantasy Football Trophy. The bastard that gets it this year (not me) better appreciate all my hard work!
Here's my argument for Utah: The biggest being, Alabama was ranked the #1 team for 5 straight weeks. They're the same team, their only loss was to Tim Tebow, I mean the Florida Gators, and Utah didn't just win that game, they DOMINATED that game. They didn't need trickery or anything to pull it off, they flat out went in and put a whooping on a team that pretty much ran the table in the SEC (the best conference in football)! If the SEC didn't have a Championship Game, Alabama would have been the #1 team in the nation at the end of the year, and Utah pounded them. They beat 3 top 15 ranked teams, same as Florida and Oklahoma only beat 2. Oklahoma played in a conference that plays as much Defense as the NBA. Utah beat Oregon State one week after Oregon State beat #1 USC. Call the Mountain West what you want, but they went something like 8-1 against the Pac-10.
I don't think Utah is the best team in the Nation, but they sure the heck looked like it when they stuck it in Saben's arse!
yeah, i thought you meant to post this here on this page.
Here's my thing, say what you want about the BCS, but it takes all things into account and gives the most accurate rankings. It still had Utah at #6 (before beating Bama). Even though they beat former #1 Alabama (note Bama did not care about that game, Utah did so they won (that is fact)) they will not leap frog Texas OR Oklahoma. This is computer rankings here, the numbers don't lie undefeated with that schedule puts you 3rd at best. Honestly I'm not too sure Utah isn't 4th behind the loser of toknight's game.
As far as Utah's 3 wins against top 15 teams I would say they actually have 2 (BYU doesn't count really), but if you insist on giving them 3 wins... Won't either Florida or oklahoma have 3 wins vs. top 15 teams after toknight?
i guess my main point is this, the BCS takes all things into consideration (including all of your points) beating Oregon St. after they beat USC, etc. And guess what? They STILL put 5 teams ahead of them. One more time these are UNBIASED computers not voting hacks. Numbers don't lie man.
The BCS TRIES TO rank the best team at the time, if you lose early you're better off than losing late. If Alabama lost to Florida in week 1, they're at the top of the list.
Look back to whatever year Auburn ran the table in the SEC and went undefeated, they didn't make the BCS championship game. They were the best team in the country that year.
Last year, there's no way in hell OSU was the 2nd best team in the country. They slid in because everyone else lost late. The BCS is junk. It's all a big sham. It's a bunch of computer geeks that wave their magic hands and punch out some number.
I'm not saying I love the BCS, just that if it's not going to be settled on the field (like it should) it IS the most accurate way to decide your champ. It's better than letting people vote.
are you guys talking about the BCS or Ultimate Doppler 9?
Derek said it would be this way.
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