I love Cincinnati! I love everything about the area, I love how if a Reds player hits a towering 250 ft. popup the crowd screams like he hit it into the river. I love how people still refuse to cheer for UC Basketball since the got rid of an overrated coach 5 years ago. But most of all I love how every time we get 2+ inches of snow people act like Jesus is coming back! Are you kidding me? I had to leave at 6:15 to get to work by 7:30 this morning (barely). It's only a few inches of snow people!
Last knight as I was watching the school closings roll along the bottom of the screen (before a flake of snow fell) I remembered watching the closings when I was a young buck. Not to sound like the "back when I was young" guy, but I am about to. I remember the magical accumulation in order to get a day off school was around 6" maybe less with ice. But we NEVER got off school for a 3" snow, possibly a delay, but certainly not off. This is all part of the wussification of America, and everyone is so afraid of getting sued that they just call off school or work. It's easier, than parents taking responsibility and actually teaching their kids how to drive in the snow (it's not that hard). Honestly I just think it's crazy!
It reminds me of this really great story of when I was learning to drive and I was in the Topaz. I'm just going along and it's snowing outsi.... Welp they just told us to go home for the day. I'M OUT!!!
Brad, go to any stadium and they get excited for a pop-up to the outfield. It ain't just here buddy.
Someone blew up the transformer behind our building around 9:30 am and the power went out so they told us we ain't getting power back til late toKnight so I peaced out.
Remember that time you came flying into the parking lot at sKool and slid into Hemingway's car? Yeah, talk about people that can't drive in the snow...
it's funny because I was like .5 seconds away from telling that story! To this day I can still remember how pissed off Matt was. And we were just trying not to laug too hard... ahhhh memories.
not to mention that they never canceled school until it was about 10 minutes before it started.
back in the day, they never canceled before anything even happened.
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