The dude on the left is that of one Seth Petru-somethin. Basically he was the dude who knocked Kimbo the fuhh out! This was his Halloween Costume. Dang! Two major points come to mind here. 1) Dude has the biggest balls of anyone on the planet! He basically threw a hail mary and scored a touchdown. It was like a bum winning the lottery and he should remember that. If he ever fights again (he shouldn't) he'll lose. Even more if Kimbo sees this picture no doubt some street justice will ensue. 2) No matter how much of a BAMF you are (or think you are) it is never the time to go Black Face for Halloween! EVER. Sure he knocked out Kimbo, but it's only gonna take a few dudes to put him in a body bag.
Lastly as I was flippin through channels last knight I stubmled upon the imfamous "Snakes on a Plane" just in time to see some dude get "dick-bitten" by a cottonmouth. So naturally I found the next showing and DVR'ed it (much easier than Ti-Vo'ing something, and I didn't have to sell my soul to do so). My question is this, should I watch Snakes on a Plane? I mean I think I probably saw the best 3 seconds of the movie and it can only go downhill from there right? When I filpped back 20 minutes later there were like 300 snakes everywhere and Sam Jackson was giving them all the shocker, that just seemed unrealistic. I mean come on 10 snakes I can believe, but 500 is non-fiction. I thought it was based on actual events. Like in Deep Blus Sea when Sam L. gets snatched off the dock by a flying shark.
Not as good as this though!
yes, you should. just to see a chick get bullseyed.
3 reasons Tivo is better than gay DVR.
1.) You can hook up to your Tivo from your PC and snag shows to watch while away. And send them to your PSP to watch anywhere.
2.) You can download pretty much any movie you want from Amazon.
3.) Sort shows recorded, browse the guide further than 3 days without waiting for the damn thing to update! Tivo goes 2 weeks ahead!, FF through shows easier, and just overall usability.
And that's just 3, I can go on if you want...
So suck it DVR
Is it just me, or does he look like Jason Towle in blackface--if Jason had those guns?
3 responses to Simon's reasons...
My first thought was, "wow 3 things I would never care about."
1) Why would I EVER want to watch something on my PSP? Just wait til you get home.
2) Who cares, wait til it comes to Starz and watch it for free.
3) I just set up to record a Miami Hockey game on NHL Network, wait for it... Dec. 5th! Maybe your gay Time Warner DVR is ghetto, but my DirecTV DRV is awesomer.
That is just 3 responses to your 3 stupid facts about TiVo, I can go on if YOU want. I'm guessing the +'s of TiVo go down from here so my responses will be easier and easier.
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