Let me tell you what I love about having a crapload of channels to surf. Last knight as my wife was watching the Country Music Awards (don't ask) I was surfing the channel guide and what did I find? Top friggin Gun! Now here is the best part about finding a great movie like Top Gun (by the way it was on Starz so it was shown in original format not on TBS), it completely takes you by suprise! I have this movie in my collection, but I never sit down to watch it because I never think about it. But when you are channel surfing and you stumble upon it (and nothing else is on) it's kind of like winning the lottery (well winning 10 bucks in a scratch off, but you get my point). Point is it took me back to my childhood, I cranked up the music for all my favorite tunes and watched the volleyball scene 3 times, which for my money is the best homoeroctic scene in movie history!
This brings me to another topic. Soundtracks, what ever happened to them? Remember the classics like Rocky, Top Gun... Cool Runnings. I remember watching a movie and thinking to myself dang I need to go straight from here (super saver cinema) to Sam Goody and buy that soundtrack because it was awesome! I know that they still put some soundtracks out (High School Musical) but no one cares about them anymore. The last movie that I wanted to purchase the soundtrack for was Talladega (K)Nights and I couldn't find it anywhere. By the time I saw it in the store I was kinf od less pumped about it and decided to download the songs I liked on itunes.
What was the last Soundtrack you bought/just had to have?
i know how you feel - i'm the same way, if a movie i love is on tv (The Matrix is a good example), i'll sit down and watch the whole thing, even though i own it and could watch it any time.
there are only three movie soundtracks i regularly listen to: Top Gun, The Crow, and Johnny Mnemonic. i can't think of one i've really wanted to pick up in a long time... maybe Seven?
The Crow soundtrack was sweet.
can't remember the last one i picked up. Brad, can i borrow your "Riding in Cars with Boys" disc?
where are those videos? i wanna see some snake bites.
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