I know I know my Irish lost on my only visit to South Bend, but hey I really wasn’t expecting a victory when I bought the tickets. I’ll tell you what I was expecting (and received) was one of the greatest and most memorable days of my life. I don’t think I have ever been surrounded my so much history in my life. I know that I am a ND honk so I may be a little biased, but it was awesome. If you like football and the history of it you owe it to yourself to visit South Bend on game day. I lost track of how many times I got chills upon seeing something.
We left at 6:00 in the a.m. and the drive was not as bad as I thought. We basically got on a 4 lane highway (31) that serves only one purpose, going from Indy to South Bend. It was like a mass exodus. Everyone that I was driving along side was also going to the game, it was like I was part of something big. So we arrive at 10:15 (game time is 2:30) and thought we were gonna have to kill a lot of time. I parked in some dudes back yard for 20 bucks and our first stop on the tour (obviously) was the library! If you don’t know your ND history the library is the spot of the infamous Touchdown Jesus! (chills #1). We kind of mulled around there for a few minutes and snapped some photos and headed for our next stop, the golden dome (which is referred to as the general building, bad name for a great building). We took more pictures, toured the dome and then watched the ND bagpipe band (there was a piper down!) Then I rubbed a nose (it’s good luck) at the Rockne Memorial. After that it was time to stand there and watch as young strapping boys in suits walked from church to their football game. I got a good picture of Jimmy, and Lindsey replied that “those were some good lookin white boys.” We went from there to the bookstore where surprisingly enough my wife allowed me to go nuts and buy some stuff. We then ate lunch in the basement of the Law Building and headed for the game!
I must be honest I thought I was gonna have a moment like in Rudy when his dad breaks down as he enters the stadium. It was an amazing sight that I have dreamt about for many years, but I managed to keep it together. Our seats (6” x 20” piece of wood to sit on) were 22 rows from the field on the south goal line. One problem, we were sitting directly behind the Pitt band in the Pitt section. Lindsey sat behind the most neurotic lady I have ever met, it was comical. The game itself was exciting. I really thought they had a chance, then Charlie got his hands on the offense late in the game. In the first OT ND had the ball on the Pitt 3 yard line on first down. All they had to do was get 3 yards and they would win (Pitt already kicked a fg). So naturally I get out the camera to catch the winning TD live. To no avail we run 3 horrible plays and take the field goal. I wasn’t surprised by the outcome, but I was very disappointed in the coaching effort from my boy Charlie. Man that was horrible coaching. I heard Tyrone will be available at the end of the year! Maybe we can have a Tyrone reunion.
Pictures and video will be up once I figure out how to link them and post on YouTube!
Glad you had a good time man. Now go change your underwear.
i got your 6x20 piece of wood
sounds like a worthy trip... and your boy Brady Quinn is starting this week too, holla
Pics are up! To tha right (I hope that works!)
Damn Catholics and their tradition...
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