Friday, December 19, 2008

Feliz Navi Christmas!!!

Christmas Tree Incineration - Watch more News Videos
This is why I rock the fake prelit tree.

Large Bomb Detonated Under Lake - Watch more Entertainment
See Batman is a fraud! This is what really happens when you dump a bomb in a lake!

The Wunder Boner - Watch more Free Videos
Tell me the narrator isn't Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs.

As these morons tell you... "Don't fry a turkey in your living room!" No better yet, if you are considering doing that GO AHEAD! The world could use one less moron!

Maybe the best movie scene ever!


B-Call said...

or how bout this... don't fry a 14# turkey in a 6" soup pot.

"i'll hold your hair."

Marcus Jenkins said...

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