Saturday, April 25, 2009

All together now... Maualuga.

Let me tell you how fired up I am about Rey Maualuga! Dude is a freak. I may have just found my next Bengals jersey!

Wow. I'm in.


These Kids < Number2. But still shreadding for 9 year olds. This kid sounds better than Asian Steve Perry.

So Family Guy writers are always high... Ohhhhhh now I get it.

OK so I thought about posting this video a while ago, but thought it might be over the line. After discussing it with guys a week or so ago, I realized... I was wrong!


Simon said...

don't buy the jersey and curse him too...oh wait Ron Dugans was never supposed to be any good, go ahead and buy it...but make sure they spell it M-A-N-G-I-N-A

B-Call said...

that mini Journey band is better than the real Journey currently. those kids parents must be the coolest on the block.

no way that kid can still sing Journey songs after puberty though.