Friday, March 19, 2010


The Callahan Family
Here is a video that out Picture Lady made us from all of Riley spics over the last year. Sorry there is no PWNAGE, or nut shots, or Really long basketball shots, or fails, or Cubans, or someone getting Hamrick’d or Andy Samberg.

Dude you were SOOO CLOSE!!! Maybe not.

Down The Stairs With Style - Watch more Funny Videos
Sure you’re wearing Capri pants, but that’s still pretty badass!


Hey Nick I think we found your Uncle Rudy! Why couldn’t his name have been Ernesto???

Lazy Sunday Live. Nuff Said.


Simon said...

You said there were no nut shots in that video. There was definitely one in the beads picture. And what was your son doing to that cake? Disgusting!

Gary said...

You said there were no nut shots in that video. There was definitely one in the beads picture. And what was your son doing to that cake? Disgusting!