Friday, November 13, 2009

It's Friday! GO BEARCATS!!!

Haven’t watched much of the Cleveland Show, but he did rap in it one time. P.S. if the editing in this video did not work then blame Simon, he told me about it!

Awwww Damn! He got Hamrick’d! This is how the PRF Raiders did it right here!

If you can figure out what is going on here then you are a better man than I. Wait did he just skeet, skeet, skeet bananas out of his nose on that chick’s lap? I feel dirty!

Marriage Proposal FAIL - Watch more Funny Videos
Fail! Well atleast you can snag a sno cone from that dude!

Damn Rampage just worked that door! He must have just lost a video game, that is the only thing that could make someone that mad!


Simon said...

yeah that's right, you can thank me for that working jerk!

DJ Hotlunch said...

What more can I say? Me and technology go hand in hand.