Friday, November 6, 2009

Videos...Soccer Fans!

Thanks Numa Numa Guy for wearing you headphones so we knew who you were!

This is kind of cool.

Wow AMAZING song writing skills. Enjoy her next song, “Fixin’ me a sammich!”

Once again, if you don’t take a dive you don’t snap your arm in half!

This Chick is tougher than any of the guy soccer players that I have ever shown videos of on this blog! You know she never takes a dive. Look at that back to back soccer videos.

Bike Stunt Fail With Nutshot - Watch more Funny Videos
Wow he almost made it. And by almost I mean he wasn’t even close!!!


Simon said...

I don't get the second video...makes no sense to me. It's just the same thing over and over.

Sittin on the toilet is a rip-off of "Its time for the peculator"

Nothing wrong with beat downs on Mormon girls!

DJ Hotlunch said...

The second one I just thought to myself huh, that's kind of "neat". If you hit replay right after it ends it keeps going up in tone... that's all.

B-Call said...

is that Wesley Willis' mom?

that soccer chick's a B.